My grandmother had very strong opinions about colors. Specifically, purple! She would jokingly state that it “wasn’t a real color”… oh, Grandma! Every time I wore something remotely purple-ish, she would give me a hard time about it! Kind of makes me smile each time I look around at all the purple yarn I own! I can’t say it’s my favorite color. But, it definitely doesn’t make me scowl like it did Grandma! Ah, but I digress…
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program…
The weaving is going well! I’m “cooking with gas”, as they say! At this stage, I’ve decided to slightly alter the pattern. I’ve started to incorporate a few more rows of yarn in between each row of neckties. It gives it a slightly more geometric feel, which I like!
When I’m weaving using the neckties, it’s a slower process than weaving only with yarn. Because each strip is a variety of sizes, I end up doing a lot of hand-positioning the strips because the shuttles will only carry the ties so far. It demands a little more patience than my other projects. It’s good for me… really…
I only own (2) looms – which you might think shows great control. But, the truth is, I have serious space restrictions… at least for now! Anyways, my other loom is a 14″ table loom. I’ve found that each loom has its own strengths. The big floor loom weaves much faster because it has foot-manipulated pedals (treadles) at the bottom, versus the table loom which has hand levers on the top. The table loom, however, fits easily in my car! So, there you have it! Justification for why a weaver needs a minimum of (2) looms! (Like I need a justification! Ha! Good one!)
You can see in the photo above that the end is in sight! (The knots at the back are the big clue!) This is particularly good, because I am beginning to get low on neckties!
Next up, I’ll finish this puppy up! A few more inches and then it’ll be free! You won’t want to miss it! Talk to you very soon…