Time to finish measuring the warp yarns for my latest project!
Last time, I conquered the browns and reds. This time, oranges and yellows! Happy days!
There are other ways to lay out a project besides using a warping board. Warping mills are also a great tool! And they always look like such fun! Instead of moving the yarn around a board, you spin the yarn around a mill that looks like one of those rotisseries for gyro meat – know what I’m talking about? I would imagine that the process is a little easier on you, physically. But, truthfully, I haven’t had the pleasure of playing with one, yet! Maybe one day…
When measuring out a large project like this, it’s important to keep track of where you are. So, I have a little yarn trick to count as I go! You can see in the photo below that I use a different colored yarn, moving the ends up or down after each grouping of 10 or 20 yarns, or whatever makes sense with the project. Then, I don’t have to fret about taking a break and losing my place! I can simply count how many groups I have! Piece of cake!
As I wind on, I make sure that the yarns are in order (it helps guarantee a more calm, peaceful weaver later!). I tried to capture a picture of the cross below so you can see how the positioning of the warp yarns will make a huge difference when sorting out the progression when its off the board!
The project is all warped! Next up, let’s sley something! I’ll get the reed ready and meet you back here shortly! Talk to you soon…