I was singing the Survivor song when I wrote the title… Any children of the 80’s out there? No? Well, let’s pretend it was mildly humorous, shall we? And onto the show…
Last we chatted, I had finished threading the heddles on right side of the loom and now I’m ready for the rest!
I’m grouping them by inches to help me keep an accurate count. Funny things happen between measuring the yarn on the warping board, and here…
Moving the yarn through the reed and the heddles is a really critical part of “dressing the loom”. It is where the trickiest mistakes can happen. Everything can be salvaged, but it’s just not fun fixing them later. So, I tend to play the reruns, instead of queuing up the newest cliff hanger on the TV – easier to pay attention!
Threading the heddles can be tough on a weaver, physically. With some looms, you have to lean over a back beam and stretch to reach everything. (And after a few hours, you can develop some major kinks!) Times like these, I love my Schacht loom! The entire back collapses and comes apart so I can snuggle right up to where I need to be! It’s all good!
While I love working with bigger yarns (the sett ranges from 8-12 ends per inch), I have done a few projects with finer yarns (the sett ranges from 24-36 ends per inch). Those are always a lesson in patience for me! As much as I enjoy the process, having over 1000 yarns to thread gets a little old! So, my hat goes off to all the weavers out there who love to work in silk, bamboo, tencel and all those other lovely, crazy/tiny yarns!!!
And now, I’m ready to wind on! Don’t fret – we’ll be weaving in no time! Talk to you soon…