We’ve come to the end of the project! High five! (I’m barely coordinated enough to manage that… so, an “atta, girl!” with a pat on the back is fine!)
I’m cutting off the project, releasing the beam and letting the fabric unroll! It’s basically a requirement to scream, “Wheee!” while you do it!
And now, I present you… wait for it… the WHOLE BOLT!
I love the look of the double lines running through it! You know, the plan doesn’t always turn out the way you think. Sometimes, it’s better!
When you are weaving, you can only see a portion of the fabric at a time. So, it’s quite a thrill to see everything in one piece!
Because this will be cut up into smaller chunks, it’s fine to leave the ends straggling.
Next up, I have a custom project on the docket! It’s good to have those! They get me out of my usual routine! Stay tuned for much more weaving goodness…