Happy Thanksgiving to all! Coincidentally enough, today is not only Thanksgiving, but also my 100th post! Yay! That’s some excellent timing, isn’t it? I thought I’d include clips from some of my favorite projects, with a few notes a gratitude thrown in!
Thank you to everyone who has stopped by my page to check it out! Special Thanks to Sonja Milojevic with Art from my Soul, who leaves a wonderful comment with nearly every post!
Thank you to Danielle who always talks me down when technology freaks me out – which is more often than I care to admit!
Thank you to Chris who gave me the best advice when I was thinking about starting a blog – “you don’t have to do it often, but do it consistently”! She’s so wise…
Thank you to Laura who helps me overcome my perfectionist tendencies on a regular basis, and encourages me to just do it!
Thank you to my friends and family who support me and love me, no matter what hair-brained idea I decide to follow!
And here’s to another 100! Considering I do one per week, we’ll plan to party in 2015 – schedule it into your calendar! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Talk to you soon…
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