I’m at the end of the project! It’s time to cut the fabric from the loom!
When I cut the yarn, I make sure I leave a nice big tail so I have no trouble with making a knot. Then, I shorten it up so the tail isn’t in the way!
It’s always a little scary cutting the project from the loom. But, you can’t exactly start the next one if you don’t clear the decks, so to speak! So, chop it off, we will!!!
One of the most fun parts of the project is releasing the brake and just letting the fabric spin around into a big gorgeous pile on the floor! Sort of like giving the toilet paper roll a rip and letting it fly off!
Because weaving is a slow process, it’s great to look at the fabric you created in the beginning of the project and see how it progressed to the end! Makes me immensely happy!
To completely separate the fabric from the loom, I have to untie the front of the project from the rod.
The yard sticks have had a little bit of a journey! They started on the back, keeping all the yarns evenly wound on. Then, they traveled to the front to keep the fabric rolling on smoothly. Lastly, they were dumped on the floor and eventually moved back into the big bucket where I will then pull them out for the next project! And now you understand the reason I have no less than 40 yardsticks sitting next to my loom!
The toilet paper comes out from the front of the project and the fabric’s ready to go to the seamstress! I completely forgot to take a few photos of the fabric rolled out. But, I already have the completely bags back! So, I’ll give you a peek at them next time! Talk to you soon…