On Saturday, I had a sale of my older handbags at one of my favorite local pizza joints, in the party room. I had multiple goals going into it – find homes for some very early styles of handbags that no longer are included in my line-up, make some winter money, and hang out with friends & family in the area!
Now historically, I have done this sale every other year just to keep it a bit more unique. And I’ve discovered that much can change in 2 years. But no matter what, I’m always struck by the outpouring of support – even if the faces are a little different each time I do it!
You should know that I have the best set of friends a girl could ever ask for! While that may sound like I’m bragging, I assure you, it’s the god’s honest truth. I’ve been wildly blessed with a roster of people who will ask how they can help, buy something no matter what, insist on following me back to my house to help me unpack the car, etc. Incredible!
Looking around at all the faces I love last Saturday while we were demolishing pepperoni pizza, I realized that this fabulous group of crazy loyal friends are critical to my life & my business. I will always be a weaver and maker. That is just in the dna. But, my cheering squad? They make it so much more fun and exciting and wonderful. I really couldn’t do it without them!
The sale was a great success! Friends from all different parts of my life came out to the event, I made a nice chunk of winter money and lots of lovely handwoven bags found new shoulders to hang from. And at the end of the day, it’s really all about the wonderful connections.
So, to all my people, there aren’t enough Thank You’s to express my enormous love and overflowing gratitude! You are the ones that keep me going, keep me positive, and keep me confident that I’ll never have to do it alone. I love you!!!