Over the years, I have partnered with a number of boutiques. Some bought my inventory outright, while others worked with a consignment structure – typically 60/40 or 50/50 split. I’ve had stores that mentioned my work on occasion and others that never advertised.
I have seen some do a brilliant job of displaying my work and some where I could hardly find it. I have worked with owners who became instant friends and others who barely achnowledged me. I tell you all of this to illustrate the breadth of my experience with boutiques, both good and bad.
One of my goals for this year is to find a number of great businesses to partner with and expand my exposure. I want to begin developing a fabulous network of locations that are excited about my products and me! At the same time, I can offer them unique handwoven goodies and a wildly enthusiastic & supportive maker!
Over the last 5 months, I have been fortunate enough to connect with some wonderful boutiques! They make me very happy, and I’m working hard to be sure the feeling is mutual. They love the products, I love the store, and we’re all making money!
After having worked with a great store/owner, it has given me a more solid list of expectations for future opportunities. And at this point, I know what I want and I’m really excited to keep the momentum going!
So as my eyes and ears out there beyond my corner of the world, I’m asking for leads! If you know of a boutique that loves everything handmade, drop me a line! I’m open to lots of new, wonderful partnerships! Here’s a big Thank You to you (in advance) for being the bridge connecting me to future opportunities! I’ll keep you posted on how it’s going!
What have been some of your most successful partnerships?
Song of the Day – Howard Jones, “Like to Get to Know You Well”
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