On behalf of myself (Chris), and my team, I want to warmly wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
2020’s been a whopper, hasn’t it? I hope that during the last few days of the year, you’re able to find a little tinsel or a sparkly ornament or a brightly lit candle that reminds you there’s still magic in the world.
There’s magic in making a plan for a new project and the excitement that comes with the creation process. Right at the very beginning, when you hash out your idea & it begins taking shape.
And it’s that little jolt of electricity that sizzles through you when the weft yarn brings the entire project together. Or the thrill of unraveling a gorgeous bolt of fabric from the loom and discovering that you like it SO much more that you anticipated. How about when you meet another weaver and you feel an instant connection? Magic.
It’s still there, even if our daily lives have become immensely heavy and fraught with worry. Even when we feel like we should only focus on the bad stuff because that’s what everyone around us is talking about. Yet, sparkly bits of magic are floating around, just waiting for us to notice. I promise.
This holiday season, maybe your nugget of magic is a concerned friend or neighbor who reaches out to see if you need anything. Or maybe you’ll find it in a sweet holiday card in your mailbox. Perhaps your magic will show up in a bag of tasty molasses cookies left on your doorstep.
My wish for you is that you breathe in a little spark of magic this holiday season. That you have a moment when all the worries slide away and you can live in wonder.
So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my friend. May many fabulous moments of magic guide you through the rest of the year.