Can you believe it has been an entire year since I kicked off my weekly video series? This episode is a huge Happy Birthday to A Handwoven Experience! Yay!!
It is wild to look back at the very first episode that aired on March 4, 2020 and see how far I’ve come. Back then, I only knew I wanted to try using video as a tool for sharing my weaving knowledge and resources. I didn’t really know what I was getting into – like most things.
But also like so many things, I decided I was going to keep it up and figure it out, one little step at a time. So, episode 48 is a list of things the current Chris would tell the 2020 Chris, if given a chance. Enjoy!
Show Notes –
Thank you’s – The fact that we’re celebrating one year of A Handwoven Experience is a testament to surrounding myself with great people! So, I have an official list of thank you’s to accompany our birthday party!
- SERA Solutions – Seth, Cole, & Cody keep me afloat in SO many ways! These fabulous gentlemen manage my website and answer a million questions from me on a nearly weekly basis. Matter of fact, when I first started A Handwoven Experience, Cole sent me notes about how to embed a video into a blog post. I use that trick every single week!
- Amy Porterfield – Amy is an online marketing expert who specializes in growing an email list and creating digital classes. She preaches that every business owner should be creating valuable, weekly content for their audience. This, in turn, will build a loyal following. Well, it’s taking awhile, but she’s exactly right.
- Marie Forleo – In 2020, I joined B-School, which is an online course all about business basics, with an emphasis on making a difference, as well as making money. I worked my way through B-School right at the beginning of the pandemic. And Marie’s encouragement and support gave me the little jolt of confidence I needed to dive into the new, scary world of YouTube and speaking to a camera every week.
- My folks – You will never find a set of parents more supportive than my folks. They happily stayed out of my way when I needed time and quiet to do the 43rd take of episode #17 (that’s hypothetical, by the way… I don’t think 17 was that bad… maybe only 39 takes…). They consistently watch whatever I put up online – good, bad, or ugly. And they share my content with all their friends and neighbors, probably much to their dismay!
- Subscribers, fans, etc. – It never gets old – the thrill of seeing another person subscribe, or hearing a comment from someone. Interacting with other weavers or wannabe weavers is a task I will happily take on for the rest of my life!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
To everyone who has dropped by to watch a few moments of A Handwoven Experience, or made a comment, or encouraged a friend to join in, I give you my complete and utter gratitude! I hope that we’ll be saying “Happy Birthday to A Handwoven Experience” for many years to come! Cheers, and Happy Weaving!