(While the live experience is no longer available, you can still order the Acton Creative project instructions, and order the project yarn kit from Cotton Clouds. Keep reading to take full advantage!)

The October Weave Along is here! Woohoo! Are you ready for a month of weaving and community? That’s the goal – to come together while working on a common pattern and having fun weaving!

Here are the 2 guidelines for the October Weave Along –

  1. All participants will start and finish a weaving project in the month of October, and
  2. We’ll all do it using the same pattern – a 1/3 twill!

October Weave Along Pattern

One of our 2 guidelines for the month is that we’ll do the same pattern, which is a 1/3 twill. If you aren’t familiar with this weaving pattern, no worries. It’s a sweet, easy one with LOTS of possibilities.

October Weave Along Project

There is no limit or restrictions on what you can do for the October Weave Along. Nope. None. Do whatever you’ve been dreaming about and simply haven’t gotten around to doing yet. The sky is the limit! Just make sure it is something you can complete in one month. Otherwise, go crazy!! You have my permission to weave anything – from mug rugs to scarves to blankets to pillows and more. It’s all fair game!

However, if this all sounds fun but completely overwhelming, no worries! I’ve created an Acton Creative OWAL Project that is available to you! My project is a short table runner in fall colors and it utilizes 3 variations on the 1/3 twill pattern. As a bonus, there is no sewing required.

Instructions for the project are sold for $15 and come in a downloadable .pdf format. The instructions will include all your dimensions and numbers, the pattern with how to weave the project, and details about how to finish it. (Please note: the kit does not include details on how to dress your loom. It is tailored to this project, only.)

Click here to order your instructions for the Acton Creative October Weave Along Project!

If you’d like to make your life REALLY simple, order your matching yarn kit from Cotton Clouds! Jodi has it ready and waiting for you!

Simply click here to grab yours today.


Can I do 1/3 twill on a rigid heddle loom? Yes, but it will take some hand manipulation – meaning you won’t be able to easily toss a shuttle back and forth to create the pattern.

What width loom do I need for the Acton Creative Weave Along Project? The project is set at 14″ wide. However, if your loom is narrower than that, you can easily take out a few inches of the middle and it will still work beautifully! No problem.

Can I use my own yarn for the Acton Creative Weave Along Project? You absolutely may use your own yarn! It would be beautiful in all sorts of colors and textures. The project is designed for carpet warp or rug warp, but you can easily substitute that with another fiber. To get access to the project plan only, you’re welcome to join the Acton Creative Insiders. The membership tiers begin at $5 per month.

I want to participate, but don’t want to do this pattern. While I would love for you to try the pattern, there is no weaving police monitoring weavers who choose to do your own thing. This is simply meant to give you inspiration and encourage you to get weaving!

What if I get stuck during the project? You have options, my friend! First of all, there is an entire Facebook group of weavers all going through the same thing. So, reach out and ask for some feedback/suggestions/answers. It’s a fabulous and generous group who will run to your rescue, I promise! However, if you want to do things more privately, you are always welcome to reach out to me directly at chris@actoncreative.net. I LOVE connecting with other weavers and will do my darnedest to help you out of your pickle!

How do I share my progress and the finished project? Please post photos of your progress and the finished project in the Facebook group. I will pull together a parade of projects at the end of the month so we can all ooh and ahh over our weaving brilliance!

Happy Weaving!

I’m so excited to share this weaving adventure with you, during the month of October! My hope is that this experience will spark lots of project and weaving ideas for the future, plus introduce you to a few new weaving friends online! Cheers to you & our month of weaving! Happy Weaving!!



Weekly Weaving Newsletter

The absolutely best thing you can do to help with your weaving journey is to sign up for the Weekly Weaving Newsletter! This online Wednesday publication will keep you posted on that week’s FREE weaving educational content, plus I always toss in a story from me! It’s equal parts education and entertainment, all wrapped up in a short, few-minute read!

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