Are you ready for our fabulous topic du jour? Here it is – “Weaving Gifts: Towels”! (Cue the horns!)
What is better than a handwoven gift? Nothing, my friend. Nothing. So why not plan for some unique, colorful gifts for future parties and gatherings?
This is part 1 in a 3-part series, walking you through some ideas for weaving gifts. This episode is all about towels! Enjoy!
Show Notes –
Towel Project – I found a lovely handwoven towel project through Interweave! It’s designed for an 8-shaft loom, using turned taquete. So, it’s fancier than my usual! But, you’ll find lots of value in simply reading through the description and directions. Click here to see all the details.
Multiple Colors in the Warp – If you want to create towels, but aren’t comfortable with a fancy pattern, you can easily add interest to a project by including multiple colors in the warp. In episode 62, I cover exactly that topic. It’s easy-peasy, I promise! Watch the episode here.
Extra! Extra!
Are you a paper & pencil person? Want something concrete to hold in your hand? Then I have just the thing for you! My Acton Creative Insiders will receive a download for each of the episodes in the Weaving Gifts series!
Want to have the towel dimensions spelled out for you? Just join the AC Insiders today to get access to your towel information page! Here is the link to join.
I can’t wait for you to be a part of the community! See you soon!