The April 2025 Weave Along is here! Are you ready for a month-long weaving adventure?
Here are the 2 guidelines for the 2025 April Weave Along (AWAL) –
- All participants will start and finish a weaving project in the month of April, and
- We’ll all use the same pattern – honeycomb!
The Weaving Pattern
For this Weave Along, we’ll be playing with honeycomb! This unique weaving pattern allows us to create individual cells like the bees make in nature – amazing! The key things to remember are that you need 2 wefts in different sizes, floating selvedges are a must, the threading & treadling are similar, and that you will end up with long floats on the back. Here is a great overview so you can see what goes into honeycomb.
The AWAL Facebook Group
In order to provide a place for the community to talk about all things “Weave Along”, there is a limited-time Facebook Group called the “Acton Creative April Weave Along”. You are invited to join us at Simply answer the questions and agree to the group rules to join us.
Acton Creative Projects
If the prospect of designing a project feels completely overwhelming, no worries! There are 2 official Acton Creative April Weave Along Kits available to you! Both are table runners in a mix of cottons that measure 15″wide in the reed & 60″long in the loom. You can choose the multi-shaft project or the rigid heddle project.
The multi-shaft project highlights some cheery Florida colors in teal, light blue, and a golden yellow, while the rigid heddle project is dramatic and elegant in blacks, grays, and purples. Simply select your type of loom below and order what you need for the project.
The Acton Creative kit is sold in 2 parts so you can mix and match. The yarn and the instructions are sold separately.
Multi-Shaft Project (4-Shaft Loom)
AWAL 4-Shaft Instructions Only: You’ll receive a thorough, downloadable .pdf that will include all your dimensions/numbers, the pattern with how to weave the project, and details about how to finish it. (The kit does not include details on how to dress your loom. It is tailored to this project, only.) Just a reminder that these instructions are for a 4-shaft loom. Click here to get your 4-shaft instructions for $15!
AWAL 4-Shaft Instructions PLUS Video Tips: If you are a visual learner, this one is for you! You’ll receive the .pdf and an extensive video walking you through some of the key stages of the project. Just a reminder that the instructions and videos are geared towards a 4-shaft loom. Click here to get your How-To Video & Instructions for $25!
Rigid Heddle Project
AWAL Rigid Heddle Instructions Only: Michele’s instructions for the rigid heddle loom include everything you need to create the AWAL runner. If you’ve ever worked with Michele, you KNOW how thorough she is. So you’ll be in great hands. Just a reminder that these instructions are for a rigid heddle loom. Click here to get your rigid heddle Instructions for $15!
AWAL Rigid Heddle Instructions PLUS Bonus Video Tips: Michele’s got you covered! There is an extensive video to help you through some of the key stages of the project. Watch as she patiently takes you through the important steps in making a stunning honeycomb runner. Just a reminder that the instructions and videos are geared towards a rigid heddle loom. Click here to get your rigid heddle How-To & Instructions for $25!
We’re so happy to once again be partnering with Cotton Clouds for the project yarn! Simply zip over to their project page and select the yarn you need to make gorgeous honeycomb runners!
The Acton Creative Insiders
As a hefty bonus for my Acton Creative Insiders, each member at the Resource Center Tier and above will receive a FREE copy of the multi-shaft April Weave Along Project Instructions! Just insert your own yarn to be off and weaving!
There is always room for you at the Acton Creative Insiders and I’d love for you to join us! Just click here to become part of the membership.
Is everything included in the kit from Cotton Clouds? All the yarn you’ll need (and then some!) is included in the kit. However, please note that the instructions are sold separately. This will give you lots of options if you’d like to use one, but not the other. (See the notes above for more about the instructions.)
What width loom do I need for the Acton Creative Weave Along Project? The project is set at 15″ wide in the reed. However, if you want to make it wider or narrower, it is simple to repeat or cut out a few inches to your desired width.
Can I use my own yarn for the Acton Creative Weave Along Project? You absolutely may use your own yarn! It would be beautiful in all sorts of colors and textures. The project is designed for 5/2 cotton and another bigger cotton that is double that size, but you can make substitutions with what you have.
I want to participate, but don’t do Facebook. I get it! And that is absolutely no barrier for participating in a Weave Along! Each Monday, I will release a new video giving you your homework for the week in order to stay on target to finish your project before the end of the month. Work steadily on your honeycomb project at home and please send me a photo once you have completed it! I would love to include you in the final Gallery Show.
What if I get stuck during the project? You have options, my friend! First of all, there is an entire Facebook group of weavers all going through the same thing. So, reach out and ask for some feedback/suggestions/answers. It’s a fabulous and generous group who will run to your rescue, I promise! However, if you want to do things more privately, you are always welcome to reach out to me directly at I LOVE connecting with other weavers and will do my darnedest to help you out of your pickle!
How do I share my progress and the finished project? Please post photos of your progress and the finished project in the Facebook group. I will pull together a parade of projects at the end of the month so we can all ooh and ahh over our weaving brilliance! If you choose not to participate in the Facebook group, you are welcome to share your project with me at And if you’re a hashtag kind of person, feel free to add #awal2025 to your beautiful announcement!
What if there’s already a project on my loom and it won’t be empty in time to participate? First of all, I love that you are working steadily on a weaving project! Yay you! While you may not be in a position to weave along, there is still value in participating in the Facebook Group. You never know what information you might learn or connections you’ll make. We’d love to have you!
Happy Weaving!
I’m so excited to share this weaving adventure with you, during the month of April! My hope is that this experience will spark lots of project and weaving ideas for the future, plus introduce you to a few new weaving friends online! Cheers to you & our month-long weaving adventure! Happy Weaving!! – Chris