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I’m so excited to present to you a FREE weaving webinar titled, “Busting the Big Myths About Dressing a Loom”! Register right here to save your seat. 

This very important and informative session will help you reset your approach to preparing your loom for a weaving project. I’ll be identifying and debunking the myths that are keeping you frozen in place. Those misconceptions about dressing a loom are only halting your progress and holding you back from the joy of weaving.

So, let’s just take care of those once and for all so we can start throwing our shuttles and creating beautiful handmade fabric! There are 2 sessions to choose from:

Wednesday, January 10 at 6:00 pm CST, and

Thursday, January 11 at 2:00 pm CST

Click here to save your seat in this important, life-changing class! 

Weekly Weaving Newsletter

The absolutely best thing you can do to help with your weaving journey is to sign up for the Weekly Weaving Newsletter! This online Wednesday publication will keep you posted on that week’s FREE weaving educational content, plus I always toss in a story from me! It’s equal parts education and entertainment, all wrapped up in a short, few-minute read!

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