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Ah, the lovely lease sticks. Such a simple tool with a big, important mission – keeping the weaving cross (and more!). This rudimentary pair of sticks can dictate whether the dressing the loom process will go well or whether we start throwing things. (Is that just me?)

I hope you enjoy today’s closer look at the lovely lease sticks and figure out how they can work better for you!

Show Notes –

Lease sticks vs warping sticks – I found a great “Ask Madelyn” all about lease sticks and warping sticks. Especially if you are just starting to learn ALL the terminology, this is a quick, yet valuable read. Click here to take it all in. 

Pre-lease sticks – The lease sticks are the stars when it comes to keeping track of the weaving cross the moment your yarns slide off the warping board. But how do you make that transition? Check out the episode, “2 Things to Do Before the Warp Comes Off” to get a good idea of what that process looks like. 

FREE Weaving Resources

Would you look at that? There is an entire list of FREE weaving resources at your fingertips on the Acton Creative website! Everything from Parts of a Loom, to 6 Weaving Patterns, to the Beginner’s Guide to Weaving Yarn – there’s a little something for everyone. Simply click here to pick which one (or all!) will be helpful for you!

Weekly Weaving Newsletter

The absolutely best thing you can do to help with your weaving journey is to sign up for the Weekly Weaving Newsletter! This online Wednesday publication will keep you posted on that week’s FREE weaving educational content, plus I always toss in a story from me! It’s equal parts education and entertainment, all wrapped up in a short, few-minute read!

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