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This is “Acton Creative: The Overview”! If you’ve ever wondered about how the business began or where it is going, this is the place to start.

Show Notes –

In the video, I talk about the education and community elements of the company. Well, I have geared the website to reflect that with big “Learn” and “Connect” tabs. Under those tabs you’ll find all the various ways Acton Creative can assist you in your weaving journey. So I hope you will explore things like the Weave Alongs and the Dress Your Loom Course.

Weekly Weaving Newsletter

The absolutely best thing you can do to help with your weaving journey is to sign up for the Weekly Weaving Newsletter! This online Wednesday publication will keep you posted on that week’s FREE weaving educational content, plus I always toss in a story from me! It’s equal parts education and entertainment, all wrapped up in a short, few-minute read!

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