It’s Valentine’s Day! Are you someone who has been wearing her Cupid sweatshirt for weeks leading up to this? Or someone who simply views it as Thursday? I tend to fall somewhere in the middle. I’m not opposed to Valentine’s Day, but I also don’t intentionally go crazy for it, either. What I DO like is the idea of reaching out to those you love!
So, here is my special Valentine for everyone reading this! It doesn’t matter if you know me personally or not. It doesn’t matter if you are a weaver or not. It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger or an entrepreneur. It doesn’t matter if you have a creative bone in your body. This is for you!

I’m going to stick to weaving – these paper crafts are harder than they look!
Dear Valentine,
There’s no one like you! You are a snowflake, with your own unique mix of personality traits and singular outlook on life. I love the fact that you see solutions from a different perspective. Maybe you pick up on your friend’s emotions quicker than I do. Or, you see colors differently from me (do red and purple REALLY go together?). Your favorite song isn’t the same as mine, and that’s incredible (come to think of it, it’s hard to narrow it down to just one song!).
Hot tea might not make you as happy as it makes me, but that’s all good (hopefully you love coffee, because while I don’t enjoy drinking it, I LOVE the smell!). Maybe you are brilliant at fashion/hair/makeup – that’s amazing! My idea of being fashionable is putting on lipstick, maybe. You are very adept at numbers and finance (I’m learning this one – wish me luck!). Good for you!! Are you the most brilliant planner, or the funniest person in the room, or the quiet wallflower who would rather be home reading a book? You are perfect just being you!
No matter what things you excel at, and how you see the world, take a minute to celebrate how incredible you are! Because that is 100% how I see you! There’s no one else like you, so do a little happy dance and spread the love! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my gorgeous snowflakes!!!
Love, chris
All my love to you!!