In this week’s episode of A Handwoven Experience, I’m talking all about weaving 2 separate fabrics at the same time using the magic of double weave.

Double weave can offer us a lot of options, but at the core of this technique is the ability to weave parallel layers simultaneously. Once you understand what that looks like and what to watch for, the other double weave techniques will all make sense!

Enjoy episode 101 right here!

Show Notes –

More on double weave – I found a wonderful blog post from the Schacht Spindle Company all about double weave! There are some great images that accompany it, showing the 2 distinctly different layers at play. If you’re curious to see another perspective, you can take a look right here. 

Double Weave Series – Boy, this group of videos on double weave has been fun, right? And I still have 1 more to share with you! If you’ve missed any of them, it’s never too late to go back to review. Here’s the compilation to add to “Weaving 2 Separate Fabrics” –

First, Episode 18 – Double Weave Overview (,

Then, Episode 63 – Creating a Tube Using Double Weave (,

And, Episode 99 – Planning for Double Weave (

Finally, Episode 100 – Double the Width (

Acton Creative Insiders – 

Do you love all things Acton Creative? Want event more? I have just the thing! I’ve partnered with Patreon to bring you the Acton Creative Insiders! This monthly membership includes personal insights, weaving tips/tricks, and behind-the-scenes action every single week! All we’re missing is you!  This link will take you right to the AC Insiders page where you can see more details and register today! I can’t wait to have you as part of the team!

Weekly Weaving Newsletter

The absolutely best thing you can do to help with your weaving journey is to sign up for the Weekly Weaving Newsletter! This online Wednesday publication will keep you posted on that week’s FREE weaving educational content, plus I always toss in a story from me! It’s equal parts education and entertainment, all wrapped up in a short, few-minute read!

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